Short Fiction
This class will explore different types of short stories across many genres. We will spend most of our time reading a variety of fiction and then we will be creating our own short stories that we will share with the rest of the class and, hopefully, create our own short story collection to keep. A great chance to let your inner creativity flow and to work on writing and editing skills!
Each week we will have at least 2 writing exercises to begin our class. You will keep them in a portfolio to turn in at the end of the quarter as part of your final grade. With each short story we read as a class, we will look for particular elements of style such as imagery, plot structure, characterization, point of view, etc. The idea being that by analyzing others literature, we may create our own.
Short Fiction Reading List (*subject to change)
Kate Chopin – Story of an Hour
Edgar Allan Poe – The Cask of Amontillado and The Black Cat
Ambrose Bierce – One Summer Night
Charlie Fish – Death by Scrabble
Mark Twain – The Celebrated Jumping Frog of
Maria Goodin – Someone to Care For
Fernando Sorrentino – A Lifestyle
Roger Dean Kiser – Butterflies
Charlotte Perkins Gilman – The Yellow Wallpaper
Nathaniel Hawthorne – Young Goodman Brown
Herman Melville – Bartleby the Scrivener
Franz Kafka – The Metamorphosis
F. Scott Fitzgerald – The Jelly-bean
William Faulkner – A Rose for Emily
Ernest Hemingway – Hills Like White Elephants
Tillie Olson – I Stand Here Ironing
Shirley Jackson – The Lottery
Flannery O’ Conner – Everything That Rises Must Converge
Flash Fiction
First Short story due November 28th
Second (Final) Short story due January 16th
You may need to do work outside of the classroom.
Consider this your warning!!